Tuesday, 20 March 2018

That is why I am Mathematician

The tradition of mathematical science has been in India since ancient times. A verse that interprets the importance of mathematics is prevalent since ancient times.

यथा शिखा मयूराणां नागानां मणयो यथा।
तद्वद् वेदांगशास्त्राणां गणितं मूर्धनि स्थितम्।। (याजुष ज्योतिषम)

That is, in the peacocks such as the gem in the crest and the serpents, the math remains at the highest place in the Vedanga and the scriptures.

It has been said in the peace mantra of Ishaasayopanishad-
ॐपूर्णमद: पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते।।

This mantra is not mere spiritual description, but it contains very important mathematical signs, which forms the basis of the overall math scriptures. The mantra says that it is also complete, that too is full, full and complete is born, even then it is complete and in the end it remains full even after being absorbed in full. The feature which is in the description of the full, the same feature is in zero and infinite. Adding zero to zero or deducting  zero remains the same. The same thing is also eternal. There are two types of thinkers in our context in the context of the world. One is Iti and the other is Neti. Here's what they are saying about perfection. Neti i.e. to say about emptiness This invention of zero has been unequaled in terms of calculation of mathematical calculation.

India has been the father of mathematical science, the world has started to believe. The oldest mathematical book in Europe is "Codex Visilence". This book is kept in a museum in Spain's capital Madrid. It is written in that-

"From the signs of the calculation (by the marks) we have the experience that ancient Hindus had a great intellect, and other countries were far behind in calculating and geometry and other sciences, it is certified with their nine digits, with the help of which Any number can be written. " 
Laplace and Albert Einstein, the era of the current era, praised the ability to make infinite calculations with the addition of nine points and zero and the vital role in the scientific development of the world. 
Many scholars of the world have described the story of the Indian journey of world numbers. Their brief mention is that Shrimad Bharti Krishnatirth, Shankaracharya of Puri has done in the introduction of the wonderful book "Vedic Mathematics" of his mathematical science. They write "In this context, it is heartening to say that unlike some so-called Indian scholars, recognized scholars of modern mathematics such as Prof. GP Halstand, Prof. Ginsberg, Prof. D. Morgan, Prof. Hutton-Joe Investigator and lover, adopted a scientific approach and praised the unequivocal contribution made by the ancient India in the progress of mathematical knowledge, with a free and fair voice. "

Examples of some of these scholars will automatically present huge evidence in this regard.

Proff. GP Halstand says on page 20 of his book "The Foundations and Processes of Mathematics", "The importance of the invention of zero can never be known." Not only giving "Nothing" to give one name and power but giving one power is the characteristic of the Hindu race, whose yield is that. This is similar to giving Nirvana the power of Dynamo. No other mathematical inventions were made more effective for the general development of intelligence and power. 

In this context, BB Dutt says in his modern method of conveying "Managing Numbers" (Indian History Quarterly, Issue 3, pages 530-450) "Hindus took up the decennial method long ago. The language of mathematical numbers of any other country could not have attained scientific and perfection as ancient India. They have success in expressing easily and beautifully with any help of only ten figures. This beautiful beauty of Hindu number marking system attracted the civilized society of the world and they gladly adopted it. "

In this context, Prof. On page 366-369 of Ginsberg's "New Light on Our Numerals" article, published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, says, "In approximately 770 AD, Ujjain's Hindu scholar, Kunk, was named Abbas Saeed Khalifa in the famous court of Baghdad. Al Mansur invited. In this way, Hindu notation system reached Arab. Kunk studied Hindu astrology and mathematics Arabic scholars. With the help of Kank, he translates the Brahmaputra's "Brahma Sprush Sidhantha" into Arabic. FRENCH WIFE MFNOW's latest find proves that Indian marks were known and appreciated in Syria in the mid-seventh century. "

B.B. In his article, Dutt further says, "Arabs from Egypt and North Arabia, these numbers gradually reached the west and reached Europe in the eleventh century, Europeans call them Arabic numerals, because they meet Arabs, but themselves Arabs unanimously said to them the Hindu number (Al-Arakan-Elihand).

The End

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